Marketing • Communications • PR


The power of cake

Journalists appreciate it when someone makes an effort, and show that they care with cake. And it’s surprising how few PR professionals take advantage of this low-cost ‘secret weapon’ to gain cut-through. Of course, I am not suggesting that this will work if you have a major crisis on your hands, and there will be…
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Storytelling for marketers

There are few marketers who explain the power and relevance of stories to business people as convincingly as Anthony Tasgal. The author of The Storytelling Book, due to be published this September, gave a sneek peak into its contents and his approach through a recent Chartered Institute of Marketing webinar.   We all appreciate a…
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7 ways to use PR to boost your profits

Strategic and targeted PR can help you generate profits, by raising awareness of your business, developing trust in your brand, and helping you to manage your corporate reputation. It can increase visits to your website, trigger enquiries and drive sales. Engagement improves staff morale and retention, and reduces recruitment costs. With a little planning, time and effort,…
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